In-house Laser-Soldering

In-house Laser-Soldering

Considering the range of complications a watch-maker can face when fixing a luxury watch, a myriad of tools are needed and Chronostore's service center cater's to them by utilizing the finest professional devices.

Stemming from a leading, Italian, laser-focused brand with over 3 decades experience solving industrial, dental, and goldsmith’s needs, the Orotig Mini-Laser XXS Pro is a dynamically unique addition to our service department as it enables our staff to easily maneuver between tasks requiring uniquely precise soldering with ease.

Using a wheel on the right side of the platform to raise or lower it, our staff can easily adjust the space needed and with its microscopic-style viewer accurately adjust complicated or otherwise difficult to reach damages.

With its compact design it has become a fundamental aspect amongst our watch-makers for a variety of issues as briefly demonstrated here. To discover the full scope of our watch services, visit our site at Chronostore .com.